- Dongfeng Luzhou Motor Co Co., LtdVerenga zvimwe
Verenga zvimwe
Misika yeChina yeChina yeChina ichave iri muna 2022?
Vhoriyamu yekutengesa yeMotokari dzeMagetsi muChina dzine kukura kweMusika Wemusika wemagetsi unogara uchiwedzera, uye plug-mumotokari yekuwedzera.Verenga zvimwe - Zvinoenderana nezvinodiwa zveDongfeng Liuzhou mota co., Ltd. product planning, 81 lines B1 of Liuzhou Liuxin Auto Stamping CO.,LTD passenger car welding line need to be demolished and rebuilt, and a simple B1 welding line should be built simultaneously to meet the production needs of sales demand. ...Verenga zvimwe
Verenga zvimwe
- Nemutengo wemafuta unofamba-famba padanho rakakwirira, varidzi vazhinji vemota vakatanga "kutarisa mafuta uye kugomera". Chikamu chekushandiswa kwemafuta chave chinhu chakakosha chinokanganisa kusarudza kwevatengi kwemotokari. As a fuel-saving pioneer in the field of commercial MPV, Lingzhi M5 is favored by m...Verenga zvimwe
Verenga zvimwe
- Recently, Dongfeng Forthing United Media launched the Forthing T5 EVO convertible ranger and Scissordoor ranger. Users created the modification scheme, respectively, using the typical elements of convertible and Scissordoor luxury brand performance cars. Akachinja zviuru zana SUV mune miriyoni supu ...Verenga zvimwe
- Dongfeng Liuzhou Motor Co., Ltd., takes the R&D Institute as the carrier of scientific research and innovation. Iyo R & D Institute ine anopfuura 1500 yakazara-nguva R & D vashandi vari pasi peimba yekutengesaVerenga zvimwe
Verenga zvimwe
- The retail penetration rate of new energy vehicles exceeds 30%, which means that new energy vehicles have made a comprehensive breakthrough in the sales of economic and medium and large new energy vehicles, and also reflects the good performance of all kinds of new energy vehicles in the market. ...Verenga zvimwe
- Just IZVI ZVAKAITWA SEPTER, CHINA YEMAHARA auto musika wakaramba uchichengetedza nekukurumidza kukura kwekuwedzera. Ongororo yeChina yemugadziri vemotokari (inotaurwa nezvayo: Caam) ichangobva kuburitsa data inoratidza kuti munaGunyana, China's Auto Production uye kutengesa yaive 2,672 miriyoni uye 2,61 miriyoni, ...Verenga zvimwe