- Kuti uvandudze China yeAfrica yehupfumi uye kutengeserana kwekushandira pamwe uye kujairika kweChipiri, China chechitatu-Africa expo yakaitwa muChangsha, Hunan Province Kubva munaJune 25th kusvika June 25th. As one of the most important economic and trade exchanges between China and African countries this year, ...Verenga zvimwe
- How does Dongfeng Forthing perform in European market? Rwendo rutsva rwekunze rwendo rwunopfuurira kukurumidza, kwete kungoita zvakakura zvakakura mumusika weEurope, asi zvakare kuvhura nzira nyowani dzezvinhu uye zvifambiso. No, good news of signing a contract for cooper...Verenga zvimwe
- Mugore rino china Atmospheric appearance, fash...Verenga zvimwe
- Nzvimbo yeMena, ndiko kuti, iyo Middle East neNorth Africa, inzvimbo inopisa yeChinese yekutarisa mumakore apfuura In addition to sales, the most important part is the service. Mukati kana ...Verenga zvimwe
- Maererano neiyo ongororo yakakodzera, yemabhizinesi ekufambisa mota inogara chinzvimbo chakakosha mukutaurirana bhizinesi, uye ndechimwe chinhu chakakosha kufunga kubudirira kana kutadza kwekutaurirana. Looking at the competitive MPV market, the high-end business car Forthing M7 can not only bri...Verenga zvimwe
- Mumusika wemakwikwi emamiriro ekunze The import and export company won the honorable title of “Advanced Collective” of the company. ...Verenga zvimwe
- Nekuvandudzwa kwetsva yeshanduru yeshanduru yemotokari, inoshanda, yakasvibira, yekuchengetedza simba emagetsi inofarirwa zvishoma nezvishoma nevatengi, uye ichangobva kuwanda mukukura kwekuputika. More powerful power, more economical travel costs, more quiet and smooth driving experience, the leading adv...Verenga zvimwe
- Iyo yekutanga plug-muHybrid Model yeDongfeng Nissan Quichen-qichen Milent Litterior yeDDDVerenga zvimwe
- Pakupera kwaSeptember, 2022, Nyanzvi dzinobva kuTianjin Huacheng Center Center of DongferVerenga zvimwe
- Mushure menguva yechando ya2022, yakanga ichidheedzera uye kuruma muGuangxi. The calibration engineers of PV Technology Center have been planning for a long time, and set sail northward to Manzhouli, Hailar, and Heihe. The winter calibration test will be carried out soon. 1 ...Verenga zvimwe
Verenga zvimwe
- Mumakore achangopfuura, kambani yekutandarira uye kunze kwenyika yave iri kukurumidza kukura nhanho, kugara ichipaza kuburikidza nezvipingamupinyi zvaro uye kuunza zvinoshamisa. Thanks to the joint efforts of all employees of the import and export company, a total of 22,559 cars were sold f...Verenga zvimwe