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MunaSeptember 2019, iyo yekudzokera kwewebhusaiti Official Official webhusaiti ye


Pakati peino nguva, vashandi vekunze vekutengesa DFLZM nguva dzose vaigara vachiramba vachibatana nevatengi, uye vakahwina kuvimba naVaJalil neunyanzvi hwavo hunyanzvi, basa remurwere uye rakadzora misika uye kuongororwa kwechigadzirwa. But cross-border online car sales, this invisible way, is always a barrier to the transaction. In June 2021, DFLZM overseas team recommended


Mukuita kwekukudziridza yako yekushambadzira yekushambadzira network, DFLZM inotora zvese zvakarongeka uye inobata mutengi wese nemwoyo wese. We never have the concept of small customers, and we firmly believe that small orders can increase the basket of rice and continuously inject new blood into DFLZM's overseas sales. DFLZM adhering to the customer first service concept, even across the thousands of miles, but also adhere to the transmission of reliable quality and sincere service!



Kutumira Nguva: Nov-26-2022